Day: Tuesday
Color Ray: Yellow
Rules: Aries, Scorpio; South direction; courage, self-confidence, leadership, strength, violence; earth, fire, anger, hatred, impulsiveness; weapons, commanders, generals, soldiers; builders, designers, engineers, surgeons
Houses: best placed in the 10th house
Friends: Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Enemies: Mercury, Rahu, Ketu
Metal: Mix of copper and gold
Stone: Red Coral
Moh's hardness: 3.5
Known stone treatments: beware of bamboo coral as it's usually dyed; true red coral can be found in the Mediterranean sea and off the coast of Japan. Japanese red coral is called moro coral; there is a pinkish red variety called momo coral. Look for coral from Sardinia or Italy - they are usually more expensive but completely natural, save for some polishing.
Secondary & Stand-In Stones: Carnelian, Red Jasper
Gemstone Instructions:
Purchase Time: between sunrise and 11 am on a Tuesday, ideally when the moon is in Aries or Scorpio
Wearing Time: 1 hour after sunrise or until 11 am on Tuesday
Mantra: Om kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah; Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum
Traditional Ring Finger: Right hand index or ring finger
Myths, Magic, & Lore:
Coral has a long history as a protective talisman. In Italy, red coral is often carved into horn or mano fico shapes to ward off the evil eye.
I recommend wearing coral during winter as it helps the body circulate heat and gives the immune system a boost. Red coral is excellent for healing physical injuries. It is a symbol of courage and protection.
Caution: As in the case of ruby, red coral is a hot and warming gemstone. Too much can cause discomfort in the form of anger, lust, and arguments.
Links & Reading:
Here is an informative article on types of red coral, the red coral market, and harvesting red coral.
Color Ray: Yellow
Rules: Aries, Scorpio; South direction; courage, self-confidence, leadership, strength, violence; earth, fire, anger, hatred, impulsiveness; weapons, commanders, generals, soldiers; builders, designers, engineers, surgeons
Houses: best placed in the 10th house
Friends: Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Enemies: Mercury, Rahu, Ketu
Metal: Mix of copper and gold
Stone: Red Coral
Moh's hardness: 3.5
Known stone treatments: beware of bamboo coral as it's usually dyed; true red coral can be found in the Mediterranean sea and off the coast of Japan. Japanese red coral is called moro coral; there is a pinkish red variety called momo coral. Look for coral from Sardinia or Italy - they are usually more expensive but completely natural, save for some polishing.
Secondary & Stand-In Stones: Carnelian, Red Jasper
Gemstone Instructions:
Purchase Time: between sunrise and 11 am on a Tuesday, ideally when the moon is in Aries or Scorpio
Wearing Time: 1 hour after sunrise or until 11 am on Tuesday
Mantra: Om kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah; Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah Aum
Traditional Ring Finger: Right hand index or ring finger
Myths, Magic, & Lore:
Coral has a long history as a protective talisman. In Italy, red coral is often carved into horn or mano fico shapes to ward off the evil eye.
I recommend wearing coral during winter as it helps the body circulate heat and gives the immune system a boost. Red coral is excellent for healing physical injuries. It is a symbol of courage and protection.
Caution: As in the case of ruby, red coral is a hot and warming gemstone. Too much can cause discomfort in the form of anger, lust, and arguments.
Links & Reading:
Here is an informative article on types of red coral, the red coral market, and harvesting red coral.